At 5 Bridges Health & Fitness we talk about the term “Total Health” to explain how we approach our services to our members and why this approach makes us different. Our “5 Bridges” to Total Health are Nutrition, Fitness, Recovery, Education, and Community. Each plays an important role in the pursuit of health and fitness goals and objectives.
Contact Us in HarrisburgYou will not find this approach at other health clubs or gyms which focus almost exclusively on the fitness component. We have staffed our team with trained professionals in the areas of nutrition (Registered Dieticians), Recovery, and fitness (Certified Personal Trainers). We know that what you put in your body in terms of food and beverage is far more important than how much you work out. In many respects food is medicine. Science also tells us that recovery is a critical part of any exercise regimen.
Below you will find more information along with links to various pages on our website with more information on our Total Health framework.