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Boost Your Fitness Plan With Progressive Overload

Boost Your Fitness Plan With Progressive Overload

Man and woman working out together

Everyone has different reasons for working out. You may want to lose weight, build muscle or increase your endurance. Adding progressive overload to your exercise plan will help you achieve your fitness goals. Learn about this technique, and make the personal training services and strength and conditioning classes at 5 Bridges Health & Fitness a part of your transformation.

What Is Progressive Overload?

Progressive overload is a technique where you slowly increase the amount of resistance, reps or timing of a workout to challenge your muscles, allowing your body to build strength over time.

When you work out with weights or resistance bands, you’re engaging in strength training, building your muscles’ ability to lift heavier weights and your overall physical endurance. Strength training is beneficial for your bone and muscle health, and building muscle also encourages weight loss.

How can you make sure your strength training is effective? Use the progressive overload method.

Conquer the Plateau With Progressive Overload

Reaching your fitness goal is a journey, but isn’t a straight line where progress occurs at a constant rate. As you take steps to improve your overall health, you’ll experience times when you’re making noticeable gains toward reaching your goals, and you’ll also notice times when your results begin to level off. These slower periods are known as plateaus, and they are a natural part of the strength training process, no matter your fitness level.

Here are some ways you can move beyond your plateau:

  1. Change it up: Vary your workout routine using progressive overload.
  2. Remember to rest: Give your body a chance to recover by scheduling rest days in between your workouts.
  3. Ask for help: Contact a certified trainer for professional advice.

5 Bridges Health & Fitness has the resources you need to achieve your fitness goals, whether you want to experiment with new equipment or consult a personal trainer.

How to Add Progressive Overload to Your Exercise Routine

The key word in progressive overload is “progressive.” This technique is about making gradual changes to your routine to achieve big results. If you want to include progressive overload in your workout, choose a couple of these options:

  • Increase weight or resistance
  • Add reps
  • Speed up your reps or make your workouts longer

Customize Your Workout Plan With Us

Are you ready to add progressive overload to your workouts? Our team of certified trainers offers customized plans for people at every fitness level. Learn more about 5 Bridges Health & Fitness personal training services and join our Harrisburg gym today.

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